
  • Tom Munoz is “having extensive heart surgery this morning at 9am in Nashville.” [via Sandra Gossett]  Please ask for favor and success.

Older Requests:

  • From Ken McFarlen for Marsha Alberson, who was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. She is to have surgery next month. Please lift her up as she walks through the treatments necessary and for God’s overwhelming peace. (12/31)


  • Jim Forbes’ 85 year old uncle, John Curtis, has been getting breathing treatments, but the plan is to send him home. His wife, Sandra, has gotten sick; Jim is worried about her developing pneumonia, and the hospitals in Huntsville are full.  Please pray for both John and Sandra Curtis to receive the best care possible and to recover from this flu.
  • Julie Martin said, “Slept all night for the first time… I sound better and I’m not wheezing anymore.”