
  • Jim Forbes asked that we put his uncle and aunt back on the PrayerLine. Uncle John Curtis, is “coughing a lot, but he is going a few places so he is much better. Thank you Lord!!!” Jim’s Aunt Sandra “still has flu symptoms and woke up this morning unable to see out of her “good” eye. She’s feeling really bad, but is trying to get a referral to Huntsville to have her cornea looked at. She was told she may have problems in the future.” Please ask our High Priest to intercede for Aunt Sandra to get to a specialist quickly.

Older Requests:

  • From Ken McFarlen for Marsha Alberson, who was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. She is to have surgery next month. Please lift her up as she walks through the treatments necessary and for God’s overwhelming peace. (12/31)


  • Tom Munoz had heart surgery at Vanderbilt on Friday. From Jackie: “The Dr [the head of the Vanderbilt cardiology department] called me and said they had no surprises and he did well. Even mentioned they like that in the medical field. So thankful for all the prayers.”