- From Jan Kosovac for a family friend, Gloria, who is suffering from mental issues. Please ask our Wonderful, Sovereign Lord to “bless her mind, and keep her in His loving care.”
Requests/Updates from Brother Scott’s Midweek Update, March 22nd:
- Pray for Abigail Aquila, who is still in ICU here in Huntsville but improving.
- Pray for Dan Woodard, our missionary in Canada, who is having surgery today [Wednesday].
- Pray for Mary Wilhite (friend of Tina Dunlap), who was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. She is undergoing chemotherapy at this time. She has visited here but now is having to watch online.
- Pray for Heather Moore’s mom Patsy, who is dealing with dementia.
- Pray for Sharon Dickman’s mom and dad, Jackie and Ursula Hall, with many health issues. Also, for Leroy, who spent the evening and early morning hours in the ER checking out his heart. He will follow up with tests at the Heart Center soon.
- Pray for Cindy Roper, who is recovering at home.
- Pray for a couple, who need reconciliation in their marriage.
- Pray for Kathy Sanderson’s healing as she continues to recover.
- Pray for Chris Gunnels, Principal at Harvest Elementary, who was diagnosed with brain cancer.
- Pray for John and Mandi Boyd. Mandi is our police officer on Sundays. She and her husband serve in the National Guard and are being deployed this week for the next six months. Pray for their protection and for their four children as well.
- Pray for Susan Kearley’s dad who is dealing with health issues.
- Pray for all our church family members who are homebound, to be encouraged in the Lord.
- Pray for Matt Roets, who is serving in the Marines and is stationed in Okinawa Japan.
- Pray for our Ukrainian friends’ safety, provision, and protection.
- We are thankful that the Price’s grandson, Luke, is recovering well from knee surgery!
- We are thankful that Cherry Eade got a good report following her surgery!
- We are thankful for our Childcare Corner led by Kathy Park and her exceptional team of nursery workers!
- We are thankful for the movement of God’s Spirit in our service last Sunday, saving the lost and restoring the broken!
- We are thankful for your faithful giving!
Older Requests:
- Beth Pearson’s sister, Jo Hewitt, “has blood clots in both lungs with a small part of one lung dead from the clots cutting off circulation. Her oxygen levels are good but she is in a lot of pain and short of breath. She has to be on blood thinners the rest of her life. Please pray that the clots go away safely.” (3/20)
- Beth Pearson is home from her knee surgery. God said Yes to her request that her knee surgery would not be extensive. She is able to fully bear her weight on that leg. The doctor prayed over her before the surgery. And Paul has several leads for a job, including an interview on Monday. Please ask our loving Father to continue to help Paul find employment.