
Older Requests:

  • Melinda Stephens re little Xander:  “all the tubes [have been] removed and they are getting him out of bed to walk. Also he passed a swallow test and he is getting tiny amounts of real food. They are pleased with his progress. Overall, things are going really well. No word as to how much longer he may be in the hospital.”


  • Julie Martin is home. Her sinus surgery has been moved up to April 19th.
  • Laura Aquila’s brother, Kevin Richardson, had five bypasses and will have to stay in the hospital for a while. Please continue to ask for wisdom and recovery.
  • Cheryl Parker’s sister, Janice (who has brain cancer), “is doing ok. She spent last week in the hospital for an infection but is home now and doing a little better. She is still struggling with fatigue.”