
  • Loretta Pruitt was admitted to the hospital with Covid. Please ask for Jehovah Jireh to provide what is needed, and for strength for her husband Gordon.

Older Requests:

  • Little four year old Xander who had originally had emergency surgery for a rupture in his diaphragm (January 27th): “He pulled his PICC line out on Easter Sunday and they had to go in and place another one. The plan now is for him to go home on the 8th. Please pray for their home.”


  • Charles Hill is being released from Huntsville Hospital to return to Tut Fan. Praises!
  • Steve Call is home after his pacemaker procedure and is doing great. Praises!
  • Deb Sutton updated on her nephew’s wife, Rachel: “Surgery went well [on her thyroid] and they are thinking the cancer was contained. Waiting on pathology to confirm but the doctor felt good that it had not spread. Thanks for praying.”