
  • From Scott Gossett: “Please pray for Tony Gossett (this is my cousin that lives in Texas). He is on his way to the hospital right now with elevated signs of congestive heart failure. Among other things, he is struggling to breathe.” Please ask Immanuel, God With Us, who is closer than our own breath, to breathe for Tony and help him recover.
  • Julie Martin is to have sinus surgery on Friday, April 19th. Please ask our sovereign Lord to allow Julie to not have any fever prior to Friday, for the insurance and paperwork to be resolved favorably for Julie, and for successful surgery and recovery.

Older Requests:

  • From Teresa Humphrey for a newborn: “Clay… born Tuesday, 02 April 2024, air lifted from HSV to UAB pediatric ICU. Heart & lungs not functioning. Emergency surgery was performed Saturday 06 April to connect ECMO (Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, a form of life support, providing prolonged cardiac and respiratory support to persons whose heart and lungs are unable to provide adequate oxygen/gas exchange to sustain life) directly into his chest.” Please ask our omnipotent Lord to help this little one to thrive and recover.


  • Melinda Stephens reports that Xander is home!! “He is fragile but well. Please pray for his home life. I know God has blessed all along the way.”  Praises!