- Roger and Gladys Kapp’s daughter-in-law, Sally Kapp, is having knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, 6/13. Please ask our Sovereign Lord for favor and success.
- Wally Fox is asking for prayer for his son-in-law, Craig Hilbert. Craig is “filled with cancer” and is in Nashville undergoing days of an experimental treatment looking for a cure. With God nothing is impossible; please pray for mercy for Craig and his family. (6/8)
Requests/Updates from Brother Scott’s Midweek Update, June 7th:
- Pray for Kids Kamp starting on June 14-16
- Pray for Men’s GridIron on June 16-17.
- Pray for our Honduras mission trip on June 22-30.
- Pray for Kevin Ford in the loss of his son. Also, pray for Jackie Jones’ family and for Connie Larry’s family.
- Pray for Kathy Sanderson, who will be having a lung biopsy soon.
- Pray for Julie Martin, who will be having surgery this month.
- Pray for the Aquila family as they take care of Abigail.
- Pray for Sharon Dickman as she cares for her parents.
- Pray for Mary Wilhite, who was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and undergoing chemotherapy.
- Pray for Aarika Harris’ dad’s upcoming prostate cancer surgery.
- Pray for John and Mandy Boyd. Mandy had been our police officer on Sundays. She and her husband serve in the National Guard and have been deployed for the next three months. Pray for their protection and for their four children as well.
- Pray for all our church family members who are homebound, to be encouraged in the Lord (Patsy Campbell, Jasper McFarlen and Jean Spray).
- Pray for our Ukrainian friends’ safety, provision, and protection.
- Pray for Chris Gunnels, Principal at Harvest Elementary, who is dealing with brain cancer and has taken a medical retirement.
- Pray for our country to experience a spiritual awakening.
- We are thankful for a great week at Youth Camp!
- We are thankful for the wonderful beginning of Equip-U!
- We are thankful that the Harris’ were able to sell their house!
- We are thankful for your faithful giving to our Lord!
Older Requests:
- Jan Kosovac asked for prayer for her SIL’s nephew, Jack (17 years old), who is battling cancer with chemotherapy/radiation and needed platelets. “He got the platelets but is back in the hospital because of the effects of the chemo. Really needed prayer. He is getting very discouraged.” Please ask our merciful, sovereign Lord to help provide what is needed for Jack.
- Paula Duncan’s great-grandson, Hayes, had multiple tests which all proved negative. Praises! Please continue ask our God of Truth and Revelation to provide answers for Hayes’ speech development.