
  • Arris Smith asks that we pray for his son-in-law, Charles Franklin, who was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. Charles started chemo last Friday but is having reactions to the treatment. Arris is asking that we pray for wisdom and treatment options.
  • Kathy Park asked that we lift up her brother’s daughter-in-law, Kayla Certain (Bobby and Nancy Certain’s DIL). Kayla (37 years old) is in the hospital in Maryland with a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in her lungs). Please ask for wisdom for the doctors, and for healing and peace for Kayla and her family.
  • Paul’s mom, Nancy Fields, is set to have bloodwork taken today [Friday, 9/13], as part of a colon cancer screening. She has had some GI changes this year, and her doctor is testing for cancer this way. Also, she is having uterine imaging performed. Prayers for clean bills of health and good test results with no cancer would be greatly appreciated! She lost two brothers to cancer and is a bit apprehensive. Thanks so much!!!” [via Facebook]
  • From Michael Cranston:  His friend, Robert (Puerto Rico), “is going through a difficult spiritual battle and asked for the church to pray.” Please ask the Lord of Heaven’s Armies to fight the battles for Robert!

Older Requests:

  • Mark Daversa asks that we pray for his kids’ maternal grandmother, Betty Reed. Miss Betty had open heart surgery at Vanderbilt and had complications. “Please ask for healing.”
  • Debbie Poland’s sister, Beth, had a procedure prior to her brain aneurysm surgery to verify that the surgeon could go up through a vein in her neck. The aneurysm surgery will be scheduled soon. Please ask for wisdom.
  • Denny Moore’s father had a fall and may have cracked a rib. Please lift up Mr. Moore for pain management and recovery.
  • Jan Kosovac has three requests: 1. Her SIL’s mom, Ann (88yo), is in a rehab nursing home. Her husband, Bill, is her primary caregiver. Please ask for mercy and wisdom; 2. Jan has a friend whose two daughters both have cancer; 3. Another SIL’s nephew, Jack, has had a recurrence of his stomach cancer. In all of these we ask our omnipotent God to demonstrate His strength and healing.
  • Gladys Kapp had an MRI on her neck Friday afternoon for a suspicious lump. Please ask for correct diagnosis and treatment.


  • Julie Martin asked that we pray for her daughter-in-law’s parents, Carla and John. They were able to successfully evacuate the fire and are safe. Julie also is “feeling icky.” She went to the ER on the advice of her doctor (who thought Julie might have appendicitis) but the scan was negative for appendicitis. Please ask for restoration of health for Julie.
  • Delores Hill had surgery for her broken hip and has been moved to Regency for rehab, room #409, [via Becky Dunlap]
  • Cindy Spee’s mom, Carolyn Batt, fell and broke her pelvis in 3 places. Miss Carolyn is 92. “She is still in a lot of pain, but working diligently with OT and PT to regain mobility.” Please ask for strength and recovery.