
  • Delores Hill fell and broke her hip. She was to have surgery Friday afternoon. Please ask for favor, complete success, and swift recovery.
  • There were some on the western trip that now have Covid. Please ask for wisdom for their treatment and complete healing.
  • Gladys Kapp had an MRI on her neck Friday afternoon for a suspicious lump. Please ask for correct diagnosis and treatment.
  • Teresa Humphrey has an extended family member who passed away unexpectedly during an aortic valve replacement. Please lift up the family of Becky Nichols (she was 64).
  • Cindy Spee’s mom, Carolyn Batt, fell and broke her pelvis in 3 places. “After an overnight stay in the hospital, her team determined the best solution for recovery under the circumstances was to return her to Memory Care home, and have outpatient PT/OT.” Cindy’s mom is 92, and “her memory doesn’t allow her to understand what has happened to her…Although her body has a great deal of healing to go, her emotional well being and cognizance were much improved…”
  • Denny Moore’s father had a fall and may have cracked a rib. Please lift up Mr. Moore for pain management and recovery.
  • Debbie Poland’s sister, Beth, had brain aneurysm surgery on Wednesday. Please ask for healing and no complications.

Older Requests:

  • Mark Daversa asks that we pray for his kids’ maternal grandmother, Betty Reed. Miss Betty had open heart surgery at Vanderbilt and had complications. “Please ask for healing.”


  • Patricia Jeffreys is slowly improving after her arthroscopic knee surgery, according to the therapist. Please continue to ask for pain relief and recovery.