
  • Julie Martin asks we pray for her daughter-in-law’s parents, Carla and John. “There is a large wildfire near them and they are being evacuated… They both have some medical issues and that makes the evacuation more difficult.” Please ask our Sovereign Lord to watch over them and all those in the path of the fire.
  • Delores Hill fell and broke her hip. She was to have surgery Friday afternoon. Please ask for favor, complete success, and swift recovery.
  • There were some on the western trip that now have Covid. Please ask for wisdom for their treatment and complete healing.
  • Gladys Kapp had an MRI on her neck Friday afternoon for a suspicious lump. Please ask for correct diagnosis and treatment.
  • Teresa Humphrey has an extended family member who passed away unexpectedly during an aortic valve replacement. Please lift up the family of Becky Nichols (she was 64).
  • Cindy Spee’s mom, Carolyn Batt, fell and broke her pelvis in 3 places. “After an overnight stay in the hospital, her team determined the best solution for recovery under the circumstances was to return her to Memory Care home, and have outpatient PT/OT.” Cindy’s mom is 92, and “her memory doesn’t allow her to understand what has happened to her…Although her body has a great deal of healing to go, her emotional well being and cognizance were much improved…”
  • Denny Moore’s father had a fall and may have cracked a rib. Please lift up Mr. Moore for pain management and recovery.
  • Jan Kosovac has three requests: 1. Her SIL’s mom, Ann (88yo), is in a rehab nursing home. Her husband, Bill, is her primary caregiver. Please ask for mercy and wisdom; 2. Jan has a friend whose two daughters both have cancer; 3. Another SIL’s nephew, Jack, has had a recurrence of his stomach cancer. In all of these we ask our omnipotent God to demonstrate His strength and healing.

Older Requests:

  • Mark Daversa asks that we pray for his kids’ maternal grandmother, Betty Reed. Miss Betty had open heart surgery at Vanderbilt and had complications. “Please ask for healing.”


  • Patricia Jeffreys is slowly improving after her arthroscopic knee surgery. Please continue to ask for pain relief and recovery.
  • Debbie Poland’s sister, Beth, had a procedure prior to her brain aneurysm surgery to verify that the surgeon could go up through a vein in her neck. The aneurysm surgery will be scheduled soon. Please ask for wisdom.