The Wednesday morning Precept class has been studying the Psalms. The following excerpt is from the study guide, week nineteen.

“Throughout Psalms we’ve seen God as the Creator of the heavens and the earth, so He transcends the physical heavens and earth we see. And His throne in the heavens must transcend the creation. That’s why astronauts have not see the throne of God when in space.

We also know that Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, God who became flesh and dwelt among us, ascended into heaven after 40 days of ministry on earth following His resurrection from the dead. Hebrews and 1 Peter teach that Jesus sat down at the right hand of God…

Jesus, then, sitting at the right hand of God, is the Father’s ultimate Agent. What role does He have? Job said, “Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my advocate is on high.” John reinforces this: “if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” We need an advocate, someone who pleads our case to the Father, because we have an adversary, the devil who prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour. He’s called “the accuser of our brethren” in Revelation.

But our Advocate is at God’s right hand. Satan will accuse us as guilty of sin and unworthy of mercy according to strict legal justice. But our Advocate will stretch out His nail-pierced hands and show the Father that the penalty has already been paid, and the Father will look at the accused, you and me, and see that we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ. He will tell Satan our sins are forgiven; we will live, not die…

This is the good news. David hits the nail on the head here. No man can deliver us from the power of the enemy. Only the God-man, Jesus, can deliver us from “him who had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Hebrews 2:14). God had to become flesh to do that, and God did in the person of Jesus. As David prays in Psalm 108, “Oh give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain.” The Lord is our help!”

As we approach Easter, let us remember this good news! He is risen!